Public Appearances

Marc Ramsey & John Fox
With my favorite book dealer, owner of Owens & Ramsey Historical Booksellers in Richmond

Receiving bust of JEB Stuart during Laurel Hill weekend in October 2014.
JEB Stuart Preservation Trust President Shirley Keene and artist Allen F. Weidhaas.

Richmond Show 2013
At the Angle Valley Press book table for the November 2013 Richmond CW Show.

Leading a bus tour of Stuart’s Raid for Hanover Tavern Foundation,
September 2014
2016 Events
Thursday, March 10, 2016 – Author John Fox will be speaking to the Montgomery County Civil War Round Table about his book The Confederate Alamo: Bloodbath at Petersburg’s Ft. Gregg with dinner at 7 pm and program at 8 pm. Gaithersburg Hilton, 620 Perry Pkwy, Gaithersburg MD
Friday, April 8, 2016 – Author John Fox will be speaking on his book Stuart’s Finest Hour: The Ride Around McClellan June 1862 for the Ed Bearrs’ Symposium on Tactics & Leadership at Chambersburg Pa. Time will be a slot from 9 am – 12:30 pm at Hampton Inn, 955 Lesher Rd., Chambersburg, Pa., 17202. For more info
Thursday, May 19, 2016 – Author John Fox will be speaking on his book Stuart’s Finest Hour: The Ride Around McClellan June 1862 for the Lee-Jackson Camp 1, SCV at 6 pm at historic Wilton House, 215 S. Wilton Rd., Richmond, Va., 23226. For more info see
Saturday, June 18, 2016 – Author John Fox will lead a tour of Jeb Stuart’s Finest Hour: The Ride Around McClellan, June 1862 for the Richmond Civil War Roundtable from 9 am – 4 pm. For more info see
Latest Appearances Will Be Updated Soon
YEAR 2015
Wednesday, April 15, 2015
Radio interview for Civil War Talk Radio with Dr. Jerry Prokopowicz from 7-8 pm about Stuart’s Finest Hour.
Thursday, April 2, 2015 – Petersburg, VA
Pamplin Historical Park at 2 pm. 6125 Boydton Plank Road, Petersburg, VA 23803. Speaking on The Confederate Alamo: The Battle of Fort Gregg on its 150th anniversary.
Wednesday, April 1, 2015 – Richmond, VA
Virginia Historical Society Banner Lecture Series at 12 noon. VHS, 428 N. Boulevard, Richmond VA., 23220. Speaking on The Confederate Alamo: The Battle of Fort Gregg on its 150th anniversary.
Sunday, March 22, 2015 – Manassas, VA
Manassas Museum at 2 pm. Location is 9101 Prince William Street, Manassas, VA., 20110. Speaking on Stuart’s Finest Hour. POSTPONED TO A LATER DATE TBA.
Tuesday, March 10, 2015 – Richmond, VA
Richmond Civil War Round Table at 7:30 pm. Location is First Presbyterian Church, 4602 Cary Street Road, Richmond VA., 23226. Speaking on Stuart’s Finest Hour.
Wednesday, February 11, 2015 – Harper’s Ferry, WV
Harper’s Ferry Civil War Round Table at 7 pm. Location is Camp Hill Wesley UMC, 601 E. Washington St., Harper’s Ferry WV. Speaking on Stuart’s Finest Hour.
YEAR 2014
Saturday & Sunday, November 15-16, 2014 – Richmond, Va.
Capital of the Confederacy CW Show at Richmond Raceway complex on Laburnum Ave.
Thursday, November 6, 2014 – Mechanicsville, Va.
Presentation on Jeb Stuart’s Finest Hour for Edmond Ruffin Camp, SCV at 6 pm, Roma Restaurant on U.S. 360 near I-295.
Saturday/Sunday, October 4-5, 2014 – Ararat, Va.
JEB Stuart Birthplace Preservation Trust [Laurel Hill] annual event.
Speaking on “Stuart’s Ride Around McClellan, June 1862” at 12:30 pm on Saturday and again at 11:45 am on Sunday.
Laurel Hill located at 1091 Ararat Hwy [Rt. 773], Ararat, VA. For info call 276-251-1833 or visit Laurel Hill website.
Monday, September 8, 2014 – Richmond, Va.
Richmond Kiwanis Club luncheon speaker on “Jeb Stuart & How He Became Famous.”
12 noon luncheon at Virginia Historical Society, 428 N. Boulevard.
Saturday, September 6, 2014 – Hanover Courthouse, Va.
Bus trip of Jeb Stuart’s Great Chickahominy Raid, June 1862.
Fundraiser for Hanover Tavern Foundation.
Begin at 8:30 am w/ breakfast at Hanover Tavern and then narrative battlefield tour by bus begins.
Return to Hanover Tavern at 2 pm.
Saturday, June 21, 2014 – Staunton, Va.
Thornrose Cemetery @ 2pm.
CSA Iron Cross Memorial Presentation at grave of my Great Great Grandfather Edwin Anderson Fulcher, formerly Captain of Company A, 10th Virginia Cavalry.
Sponsored by Jeb Stuart UDC Chapter.
Thursday, May 15, 2014 – Austin, TX
Presentation for Austin Civil War Roundtable. 6:30 pm. Covenant Presbyterian Church, corner of MOPAC and Northland Drive.
Wednesday, May 14, 2014 – New Orleans, LA
Presentation for New Orleans Civil War Roundtable. 6:30 pm. Smiley’s Restaurant, 5725 Jefferson Hwy., Harahan, LA 70123. Restaurant phone 504-733-3000
Saturday, March 22, 2014 – Charlottesville, Va.
20th AnnualVirginia Festival of the Book.
At 12 noon, John Fox will be on a Civil War panel “Stories from the Civil War” w/ author Richard Serrano.
At UVa Bookstore, 400 Emmet Street S, Charlottesville, VA 22904. Phone 434-924-3721
Monday, January 27, 2014 – Colonial Heights, Va.
Presentation on Stuart’s Finest Hour and the Great Chickahominy Raid of June 1862 for Dearing Beauregard Camp 1813, SCV.
At 6:30 pm at Wesley United Methodist Church, 3701 Conduit Road, Colonial Heights, Va., 23834.
Saturday, January 11, 2014 – Harrisonburg, Va.
“Lee, Jackson, Maury Day Celebration” sponsored by Turner Ashby Chapter 162, UDC and Colonel D.H. Lee Martz Camp 10, SCV.
At 11 am at Panos Restaurant, 3190 S. Main Street, Harrisonburg, Va 22801.